Using Websockets for Redis

Websocket for Redis allows uni- and bidirectional communication from the client to the server and vice versa. Each websocket is identified by the part of the URL which follows the prefix /ws/. Use different uniform locators to distinguish between unrelated communication channels.


The prefix /ws/ is specified using the configuration setting WEBSOCKET_URL and can be changed to whatever is appropriate.

Client side

The idea is to let a client subscribe for different channels, so that he only gets notified, when a certain event happens on a channel he is interested in. Currently there are four such events, broadcast notification, user notification, group notification and session notification. Additionally, a client may declare on initialization, on which channels he wishes to publish a message. The latter is not that important for a websocket implementation, because it can be achieved otherwise, using the well known XMLHttpRequest (Ajax) methods.

A minimal client in pure JavaScript

var ws = new WebSocket('ws://');
ws.onopen = function() {
    console.log("websocket connected");
ws.onmessage = function(e) {
    console.log("Received: " +;
ws.onerror = function(e) {
ws.onclose = function(e) {
    console.log("connection closed");
function send_message(msg) {

Server Side

The Django loop is triggered by client HTTP requests, except for special cases such as jobs triggered by, for instance django-celery. Intentionally, there is no way to trigger events in the Django loop through a Websocket request. Hence, all of the communication between the Websocket loop and the Django loop must pass through the message queue.


In the Websocket loop, the message queue is controlled by the class RedisSubscriber, which can be replaced using the configuration directive WS4REDIS_SUBSCRIBER.


In the Django loop, this message queue is controlled by the class RedisPublisher, which can be accessed by any Django view.

Both, RedisSubscriber and RedisPublisher share the same base class RedisStore.

Subscribe to Broadcast Notifications

This is the simplest form of notification. Every Websocket subscribed to a broadcast channel is notified, when a message is sent to that named Redis channel. Say, the Websocket URL is ws:// and the Django loop wants to publish a message to all clients listening on the named facility, referred here as foobar.

from ws4redis.publisher import RedisPublisher
from ws4redis.redis_store import RedisMessage

redis_publisher = RedisPublisher(facility='foobar', broadcast=True)
message = RedisMessage('Hello World')
# and somewhere else

now, the message “Hello World” is received by all clients listening for that broadcast notification.

Subscribe to User Notification

A Websocket initialized with the URL ws://, will be notified if that connection belongs to a logged in user and someone publishes a message on for that user, using the RedisPublisher.

redis_publisher = RedisPublisher(facility='foobar', users=['john', 'mary'])
message = RedisMessage('Hello World')
# and somewhere else

now, the message “Hello World” is sent to all clients logged in as john or mary and listening for that kind of notification.

If the message shall be send to the currently logged in user, then you may use the magic item SELF.

from ws4redis.redis_store import SELF

redis_publisher = RedisPublisher(facility='foobar', users=[SELF], request=request)

Subscribe to Group Notification

A Websocket initialized with the URL ws://, will be notified if that connection belongs to a logged in user and someone publishes a message for a group where this user is member of.

redis_publisher = RedisPublisher(facility='foobar', groups=['chatters'])

# and somewhere else
redis_publisher.publish_message('Hello World')

now, the message “Hello World” is sent to all clients logged in as users which are members of the group chatters and subscribing to that kind of notification.

In this context the the magic item SELF refers to all the groups, the current logged in user belongs to.


This feature uses a signal handler in the Django loop, which determines the groups a user belongs to. This list of groups then is persisted inside a session variable to avoid having the Websocket loop to access the database.

Subscribe to Session Notification

A Websocket initialized with the URL ws://, will be notified if someone publishes a message for a client owning this session key.

redis_publisher = RedisPublisher(facility='foobar', sessions=['wnqd0gbw5obpnj50zwh6yaq2yz4o8g9x'])
message = RedisMessage('Hello World')

# and somewhere else

now, the message “Hello World” is sent to all clients using the session key wnqd0gbw5obpnj50zwh6yaq2yz4o8g9x and subscribing to that kind of notification.

In this context the the magic item SELF refers to all clients owning the same session key.

Publish for Broadcast, User, Group and Session

A Websocket initialized with the URL ws://, ws:// or ws:// will publish a message sent through the Websocket on the named Redis channel broadcast:foobar, user:john:foobar and session:wnqd0gbw5obpnj50zwh6yaq2yz4o8g9x:foobar respectively. Every listener subscribed to any of the named channels, then will be notified.

This configuration only makes sense, if the messages send by the client using the Websocket, shall not trigger any server side event. A practical use would be to store current the GPS coordinates of a moving client inside the Redis datastore. Then Django can fetch these coordinates from Redis, whenever it requires them.

# if the publisher is required only for fetching messages, use an
# empty constructor, otherwise reuse an existing redis_publisher
redis_publisher = RedisPublisher()

# and somewhere else
facility = 'foobar'
audience = 'any'
redis_publisher.fetch_message(request, facility, audience)

The argument audience must be one of broadcast, group, user, session or any. The method fetch_message searches through the Redis datastore to find a persisted message for that channel. The first found message is returned to the caller. If no matching message was found, None is returned.

Message echoing

Some kind of applications require to just hold a state object on the server-side, which is a copy of a corresponding JavaScript object on the client. These applications do not require message echoing. Here an incoming message is only dispatched to the subscribed websockets, if the this message contains a different content. This is the default setting.

Other applications such as chats or games, must be informed on each message published on the message queue, regardless of its content. These applications require message echoing. Here an incoming message is always dispatched to the subscribed websockets. To activate message echoing, simply append the parameter &echo to the URL used for connecting to the websocket.

Persisting messages

If a client connects to a Redis channel for the first time, or if he reconnects after a page reload, he might be interested in the current message, previously published on that channel. If the configuration settings WS4REDIS_EXPIRE is set to a positive value, Websocket for Redis persists the current message in its key-value store. This message then is retrieved and sent to the client, immediately after he connects to the server.


By using client code, which automatically reconnects after the Websocket closes, one can create a setup which is immune against server and client reboots.

Safety considerations

The default setting of Websocket for Redis is to allow each client to subscribe and to publish on every possible channel. This normally is not what you want. Therefore Websocket for Redis allows to restrict the channels for subscription and publishing to your application needs. This is done by a callback function, which is called right after the initialization of the Websocket. This function shall be used to restrict the subscription/publishing channels for the current client.


def get_allowed_channels(request, channels):
    return set(channels).intersection(['subscribe-broadcast', 'subscribe-group'])

This function restricts the allowed channels to subscribe-broadcast and subscribe-group only. All other attempts to subscribe or to publish on other channels will be silently discarded.

Disallow non authenticated users to subscribe or to publish on the Websocket:

from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied

def get_allowed_channels(request, channels):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        raise PermissionDenied('Not allowed to subscribe nor to publish on the Websocket!')

When using this callback function, Websockets opened by a non-authenticated users, will get a 403 - Response Forbidden error.

To enable this function in your application, use the configuration directive WS4REDIS_ALLOWED_CHANNELS.


This function must not perform any blocking requests, such as accessing the database!